Beware Energy Vampires



Toxic people with one or more Cluster B personality disorder are commonly called Energy Vampires because they initially create a lot of excitement but then slowly drain the lifeblood from others. It is a cute little name but the harm they cause can be profound if left unchecked. While anyone can be an Energy Vampire, people who are in leadership positions can be especially damaging to the organization. Equally damaging are subordinate Energy Vampires who target leaders or others in a position of influence. 


It’s a Witch Hunt! Denial is a standard tactic of an Energy Vampire. When confronted with evidence of wrongdoing, he or she will craft a pitiful tale of being unfairly targeted. They are so compelling, drawing on your known vulnerabilities, you may even walk away from a conversation calling out the leader for proven fraud or sexual misconduct and feel badly for making the accusation. 


Devil Made Me Do It. Another standard ploy is blame. When evidence is so clear and damning, no sane adult could see anything but the truth, the Energy Vampire will blame his or her bad action on someone else, even a supernatural power.



Mind the Skeletons in Your Closet. Everyone has made mistakes or at least things that don’t sound good. An Energy Vampire is adept at seeking out and cataloging these of the others he or she may need to exploit. 


Ghosts of Employment Past. It is only a matter of time before an Energy Vampire has used and discarded you, unless of course he finds a new use and recycles you. So leaders like this have few lasting relationships. They have LOTS of connections (as a vanity metric) but few authentic relationships.


Don't Fall for The Tricks

Learn telltale signs and practical tips to protect yourself and your organization from predatory leaders before they wreak havoc with fraud or sexual misconduct:

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